Private labeling with CNS

Your label is more than just a tag—it's a powerful branding tool that communicates your brand story and values. With our professionally designed garment labels, you can enhance brand recognition, build customer loyalty, and leave a lasting impression on every wearer.

Lets design your label

Garment labels

Let's reduce your shipping overhead.

Shipping passes



When it comes to the private labeling services, we color match the color of the garment with the color of the thread, this process creates a seamless look at time of completion. That is how our billable minimums and incremental charging is calculated. Our billable minimums and incremental charging is set at 6 per style per color, if you bring in less than the 6 per style per color, we can still private label them however be advised that you will be billed as 6.Tab content

Tags (Garment Labels)

You can always provide the garment labels for us to use, in reality our main service is the Private Labeling. To provide your garment labels please ship them directly to our office with your company name as the sender or you can always have the vendor ship directly to us, saving you both time and money.

If you need assistance in creating your garment labels, we can help you make them using our 3rd party contracted vendor, Please be advised that our main responsibility when doing so is to assure that garment labels are delivered with the requested specifications, however do not have control of their turn around times.

Turn around times

Typically we will process items within 3-6 business days, this will fluctuate depending on a few things like type of membership, issues with items and most importantly season. Expect delays in peak seasons. If you need your items processed with the utmost urgency, we highly recommend upgrading to our Express membership will you will benefit from 24hr to 48hr turn around times.

"It is important to notate that arrival date is not considered in the turn around time as well as holidays and weekends."


Our main goal once private labeling is completed is to consolidate goods to help reduce the financial impact of the services. When items are completed we will generate a payment link for you to process, here is where you will have the opportunity of either processing the shipping via our link, you can also provide us the shipping label, or our most recommended option, sign up to one of our shipping passes.

The shipping passes are designed to reduce the hassle, cost and stress of dealing with expensive shipping. By processing a shipping pass you now have to freedom of restocking without having to calculate how much shipping will be wether its 6 pieces or 100 pieces, with the right shipping pass worrying will be a thing of the past.

Please be advised that shipping via our link is a non discounted live market rate.

Environmental Impact

When prepping items for private labeling, all packaging materials is removed and placed in recycling bins. Not only does this process help lessen the shipping weight and space, it also eliminates the hassle of waste when you receive product in your warehouse or store.

This also means we are helping eliminate recyclable materials from ending up in landfills.